There are 2 parallel universes, ours and the other side. Sth strange happend more frequently on ours and the government set the fringe department to find the answer. O,Pe,W,Ph,MD are involved in and found someone try to cross to the other side. Luckily, they stopped him.
ideal is peace, history is violent. 短小精悍的用血淋淋的细节把战争从冰冷的伤亡损失数字拉近到眼前我们有着辨别和创造美好的能力却更加疯狂地偏执于把一切美好摧毁的能力我们真是疯了
Where's William Parrish's body? 生活像散文死亡则是诗伟大的人在日常中灌注激情并追寻与更崇高与美存在的相遇等到意义之外神秘事物的光临偶尔有趣、始终得体为简单的爱情异事戴上很多的精美装饰但也并不是不能容纳下这份深度当死神来到我们都会开始反思夺不走的俄罗斯ozon中文版app是宽大的青草地、一个黑皮包、桌上做成的食物与口中融化的酱料泼洒的体液和这一刻的呼吸